The objective of this course is to strengthen capacity of UN System, development organizations, governments and other stakeholders to mainstream gender in public policies, programmes and projects and institutions and organizations.
The content will include:
Basic concepts on gender mainstreaming
- Current development context. Gender Equality in the SDGs and 2030 agenda
- Global commitments to Gender mainstreaming
- Rationales for gender mainstreaming
- What is gender mainstreaming?
- Added value of gender mainstreaming
Gender mainstreaming in Programmes and Projects Cycle, public policies and institutions or organizations
- Gender Analysis
- Data and statistics for Gender Equality
- Formulating Results for Gender Equality
- Gender-Responsive Budgeting
- Implementation, Monitoring, Evaluation and reporting on Gender Mainstreaming
- Gender Mainstreaming within the Sectoral Approach and organizations
- Transformational leadership; Organizational culture; Human resources;
- Staff accountability and incentives for gender mainstreaming;
- Financial resources and budget
UN System and other development organizations, governments, civil society.