Specific objectives for policymakers:
– Mainstreaming inclusive and equitable green industry policies
– Building gender-responsive budgeting (GRB) into your work
– Building common understandings on communal, national and international agendas on gender equality and social inclusion in today’s development discourse
– Promoting more women into the trades, into leadership and into green industry work with education and supplementary policies
Specific objectives for entrepreneurs and industry professionals:
– COVID 19 reset or business as usual? Turning crisis into opportunity (“don’t let a crisis go to waste”)
– Understanding the impacts of COVID-19 on women-in-trade in the short-medium-long term continuum and identify guidelines for navigating the way forward
– Advancing innovation and entrepreneurship in a circular economy
– Learning about laws and policies that support, protect and promote decent work for women and men
The materials are delivered in five modules and developed as follows:
- Modules 1 and 2 are mandatory for all policy makers, industry professionals and entrepreneurs equally.
- Module 3(a) is of interest to green industry public-private partnerships including employers, entrepreneurs, employees, trade unions, as well as champions of labour law and labour rights.
- Module 3(b) is of interest to the ‘green industry pipeline of skills’ including formal and informal educators, STEM curricula design, TVETs and apprenticeships, incubators for startup businesses, and venture capital investors.
- Module 3(c) is of interest to civil society, including green industry entrepreneurs, producers, distributors, consumers, financial service providers and investors and chambers of commerce and trade facilitation agencies.