The overall objective of the training is to ensure that each organization has skilled staff and institutional policies and procedures in place to be able to meet the terms of the Partner Agreement: to be accountable for the grant and to achieve the expected results, as set out in the Project Document, in a safe and ethical way. The training should help achieve this by (for example) helping individuals managing the projects to understand the terminology used by the UN Trust Fund and the requirements for reporting progress as well as expectations for how projects are managed in adherence to UN best practices and quality standards.
Section 1: Introduction to the UN Trust Fund and Grant Management Requirements
Section 2: Project Planning, Monitoring and Reporting
Section 3: Operations and Financial Management
Section 4: Communications and Grantee Publications
Section 5: External Evaluations
Section 6: Systems
This online training is intended for organizations awarded a UN Trust Fund grant and specifically for new Focal Points for UN Trust Fund projects. As per the terms of the Grant Award Letter, the UN Trust Fund requires at least two staff members from each organization – those staff who will be leading the project management, monitoring and evaluation of the UN Trust Fund project (“Focal Points”) – to complete its online training modules ideally within the first three months of project implementation. Any new staff members nominated by grantee organizations to be Focal Points for the UN Trust Fund will also be expected to complete these trainings. However, the online training programme is open to all staff and your implementing partners and we encourage you to share the details beyond the two-nominated staff. In particular, we encourage finance and operations staff to take the training modules on the relevant topics. Certificates of completion will be issued to all individuals who successful complete the final knowledge test and the satisfaction questionnaire.