Centre de Ressources
Le Centre de Ressources contient d’outils et de documents de référence sur la formation sur l’égalité des sexes. Le Centre de Ressources et aussi disponible en anglais et espagnol. En cas de recherche de matériels de formation sur un sujet précis, veuillez utiliser l’outil de recherche ci-dessous:
Training for Gender Equality: Twenty Years On (Report, Interactive Tool, Infographic)
En ligne: pdf
Using the Beijing review process as its central theme, the report Gender Equality: Twenty Years On explores the key developments and issues in training for gender equality since 1995. The accompanying Interactive Tool and Infographic provide a quick overview of the findings presented in the report.
These three tools provide a review how training for gender equality has evolved from the Beijing Platform for Action in 1995 to the present day (Beijing+5, Beijing+10, Beijing+15, and Beijing+20) in the Platform’s critical areas of concern:
- Women and poverty
- Education and training of women
- Women and health
- Violence against women
- Women and armed conflict
- Women and the economy
- Women in power and decision-making
- Institutional mechanisms for the advancement of women
- Human rights of women
- Women and the media
- Women and the environment
- The girl child