UN Women Training Centre 2020 Annual Report

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UN Women Training Centre

Year of Publication


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This Annual Report is a snapshot of the UN Women Training Centre’s achievements in 2020. As the COVID-19 pandemic raged, we used this year 2020 as a learning opportunity – a chance to test and strengthen our methodologies and pedagogies, and to affirm our feminist principles in new online settings. We learned more than ever about the impact, challenges and opportunities for training for gender equality from an online perspective. We delivered 86 training courses on issues at the heart of UN Women’s strategic areas to 130,000 participants – twice the number of people trained in 2019. Our existing online courses have never been more popular or more necessary. Our eLearning Campus grew to include 147,487 users, an increase of 42% compared to last year. Virtual Dialogues by our Community of Practice engaged record numbers of participants. We paired this phenomenal growth with an unwavering commitment to support the UN and other partners to realize commitments to gender equality and women’s empowerment worldwide. We continued to develop knowledge products and provide thought leadership on training for gender equality to strengthen our field. As the world confronts the pandemic in 2021, we must use this moment to rebuild more equal, inclusive and resilient societies. Training for gender equality can – and must – help us do so.