Gender on the Move: Working on the migration-development nexus from a gender perspective

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Online: Pdf

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The training manual 'Gender on the Move: Working on the Migration-Development Nexus from a Gender Perspective', aims to build the gender analysis capacity of those working in the field of migration and development to bring about a model of development that is centered on people, human rights, and on the principle of gender equality. 

The manual also offers a series of tools to help design programmes and policies that strengthen the positive effects of migration in terms of development, both in origin and destination countries. The manual, which is available in English and Spanish, is divided into a facilitator’s guide and four training guides, each of which has a self-directed learning section and an activities section for designing face-to-face trainings.

The manual aims to provoke thinking and action around migration and development from a gender and rights-based perspective, bringing to the fore migration for care, the importance of putting the right to care on the development agenda, and migrant women’s rights.


Chapter 1: Introduction to Gender, Migration, and Development
Chapter 2: Impact of Remittances on Local Economies in Origin Countries from a Gender Perspective
Chapter 3: Global Care Chains
Chapter 4: Migration Policies and Migrant Women’s Rights


The target population for this manual includes various institutions and organizations, such as agencies pertaining to the United Nations system, technical personnel from NGOs and civil society organizations, donor organizations who are interested in the topic, and representatives of official organisms or public institutions.

The Manual is available in English, Spanish and Russian.