Gender Equality Capacity Assessment Tool

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Online: Pdf

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The Gender Equality Capacity Assessment Tool responds to UN Women's mandate and the requirements of the UN System-Wide Action Plan (UN-SWAP). It is a way to assess the understanding, knowledge and skills that a given organization and their staff have on gender equality and women's empowerment, and on the organization’s gender architecture and gender policy. Capacity assessment refers to the process through which the information is gathered and analyzed and also to the results of this analysis. The information gathered with this tool can be complemented with more qualitative assessment methods such as interviews, focus group discussions and systematic observation. The tool is also available in Spanish and French.


The tool includes an easy-to-implement questionnaire and guidelines. It is divided into the following sections: the introduction, the questionnaire, how to implement it and additional resources.

The questionnaire includes the following sections:

Section 1: General information
Section 2: What to Assess? Defining 'Capacity'
Section 3: Define Gender Core Capacities
Section 4: Determine Approach and Design of Capacity Needs Assessment

Section 5: Process and Steps to Designing a Questionnaire

Section 6. Using the Results of Capacity Needs Assessment


It seeks to support gender and human resources specialists within the UN System and as well as UN counterparts and partners in their own organizations.

Note: The first edition of the Gender Equality Capacity Assessment tool was published in 2014.