Gender and Organized Crime. Virtual Dialogue Webinar (with UNODC) Report 2022

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UN Women Training Centre

Year of Publication


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The latest I Know Gender Module on Gender and Organized Crime
is now available to participants around the world. The free eLearning
course, developed by the United Nations Office on Drugs and
Crime (UNODC) and the UN Women Training Centre, promotes the
integration of a gender equality perspective in the daily work of
those striving to counter organized crime – including UN staff, civil
society and the private sector. By strengthening knowledge of basic
gender equality and women’s empowerment concepts as they relate
to the topic of organized crime, the course aims to bring about
behaviour change and have a transformational impact on women
and girls. The course addresses issues relevant to the three pillars of
UNODC’s work programme – normative work, research and analytical
work, and field-based technical cooperation projects to enhance
the capacity of Member States to counteract illicit drugs, crime,
corruption and terrorism.